Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Best Day of My Life

After I received my pilots license, there was one thing that I had to do which would turn out to be the most enjoyable thing I had ever done. And that was to take my girlfriend Jane up for a flight. Although she was a little hesitant at first, and her parents were certainly hesitant of letting their baby girl go for a flight with a young 17 year old boy, I eventually convinced them all and took the love of my life up for a ride.
The tail of the aircraft we took up
The two of us "Love Birds" in the plane
The Cockpit of our plane
Looking over the water out the side window
Looking out the front - A little hazy that day

Being able to fly and be with my girlfriend at the same time was nothing less than the most enjoyable moment of my entire life. Although it ended up being a little hazy for scenery that day, I enjoyed myself thoroughly and always look forward to flying with my girlfriend in the future. 

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