Sunday, September 5, 2010

Water-Skiing Airplanes

Check out this spectacle of 4 T6 Harvad aircraft from The Flying Lions Aerobatic Team water-skiing across the Klipdrift Dam near Johannesburg South Africa.

Arnie Meneghelli from Academy Brushware, owner of the aircraft said: "What we did today I believe is a world first. It illustrates that South African air show pilots are amongst the best in the world"

This unusual act, approved by the South African Civil Aviation Authority was meticulously planned and took place under the watchful eye of divers and paramedics that were on site.

T-6's trying to touch wheels all at once
Side Shot
Top View


  1. thank-you! what is your blog so I can follow you?

  2. Cool pictures, thanks for sharing!

  3. Very cool. I think if there was I a skill I would love to add if I could afford it, it would be flying. For many years I lived right near Hill AFB in Layton and loved watching the air show every two years.

    Tina D
