Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tips On Passing A Private Pilot Checkride

I know that passing my checkride was the biggest day of my entire life.  Granted, it is a full day of stress, but every pilot has to go through it in order to get there license and eventually you will make it through. However, your CFI would never sign off your log book if he was not completely certain in your ability to fly safely. So, as you study for the oral exam, as you practice your maneuvers over and over, and as you go over every detail for planning your cross country, here are a few tips to make the whole thing a lot easier and a little bit less stressful to get through. 
Your CFI may or may not share tips with you. If you know someone who has taken their checkride from the same instructor that you will, be sure to ask them questions. They are possibly the best source of info out of anyone because they had to get through the same person that you will. Then, always ask your CFI if the information or advice you’re getting from other sources is liable information for your checkride. 

  • As you taxi out to do your run-up, do NOT ride those breaks.  Move the throttle back to a comfortable speed. You should be moving at the same speed as a brisk walk.
  •  Use the checklist for everything!  Don't do anything by memory but if you can't afford the time to have your eyes down at least glance down at the correct page of the checklist to make sure you covered all the correct steps. On an engine out or other emergency, you should know the first couple steps and execute those as your reaching or flipping to that checklist.
  • Every maneuver should be done while you talk outloud to yourself.  That way the examiner knows you didn’t do a step without thinking about it. (Also be sure to look in the correct direction of something you check while you say it out loud -- i.e. while you say "Fuel selector on both", move your knee and look down to verify it is on both.)
  • Be open to the examiners way of doing things. Don't argue with him/her and realize it is another opportunity to learn.
  • Never come off as trying to “impress” the examiner.  He/she will take that as a challenge and most likely not pass you. Just listen and obey without being cocky. 
  • Spend some time at the airport where you’ll be taking your exam.  If this isn’t your home airport, you’ll want to spend a good amount of time there.  Learn all the runway options and any landmarks that could help on your check ride.
  • When you dial in a VOR, make sure you turn up the audio and verify it’s the correct VOR you’re using.  Many students have been caught on this one and you could end up in a bad position.
  • Be as organized as possible. You do not want to have to fumble through your sectional or A/FD when you’re examiner is diverting your flight during the cross-country.  Take the extra time to get everything organized before you leave the ground. If you don't have a knee-board i would recommend you get one.
  • Always do your clearing turns. DON'T FORGET them.
  • Be confident. Your in charge of the plane and the examiner is just another passenger.  If you look to him/her for guidance, you’ll look unprepared.
  •  Remember, if the examiner doesn't say “you’ve failed”, then odds are, you have passed so far.  Go into those final landings confident and reassured, regardless of how you think things have gone up to that point. Just keep doing your best and you will make it through.
  •  Lastly, make sure you get a goods nights sleep and relax. If you have both your oral and check ride on the same day your going to need some sleep. But remember the examiner wants to pass you so relax.
Let me know how you do and any tips you can share with future pilots. Good Luck!

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